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The basis for identification of Predictive Cycles originates from Professor Edward R. Dewey’s work, who was the Founding Father of the Foundation for the Study of Cycles in 1940. The Foundation is still in existence today with over 80+ years of experience in the field of Predictive Cycles research.
Most people would not have heard about, or have been aware, that The Study for Cycles is a scientific discipline and studied by many researcher all over the world.
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Some more depth into the history of the Study for Cycles and the Scientific discipline associated to it can be found below.
Academic Research
Created in the early part of 1969, after the creation of the INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR INTERDISCIPLINARY CYCLE RESEARCH, LEIDEN, THE NETHERLANDS (I.C.R.I.) – a division of the Foundation for the Study of Cycles in Pittsburgh, U.S.A. — the Journal for Biological Rhythm Research was created. (formally known as Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research)
Till this day, the Journal publishes original scientific research papers, review papers, short notes on research in progress, book reviews and summaries of activities, symposia and congresses of national and international organizations dealing with rhythmic phenomena.
The History on the Foundation for the Study of Cycles
The Committee
Edward R. Dewey was the head of the US Census Bureau under Herbert Hoover administration of the United States government. (March 4, 1929 – March 4, 1933 ) Herbert Hoover was the 31st president of the United States, whose term was notably marked by the stock market crash of 1929 and the beginnings of the Great Depression. Dewey was a Harvard PhD in Economics and as the head of the US Census Bureau his main job was to determine what was going on with the US population which all relates to the economy of the country. When the depression of 1929 hit, President Hoover setup a task force of 500 academics and government officials among others, to find out what had happened to the economy and how we could prevent it from happening again. Dewey was one of the 500.
This committee of 500 man was headed by Wesley Clair Mitchell who also setup/founder of the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) that to this day calls recessions and depressions for the United States government. Wesley Clair Mitchell was also on the initial Foundation of the Study of Cycles board of directors in 1941.
National Bureau of Economic Research
Wesley Clair Mitchell was an American economist known for his empirical work on business cycles and for guiding the National Bureau of Economic Research in its first decades. Mitchell was referred to as Thorstein Veblen’s “star student.”
Wesley brought the cycles algorithms used by the government, to determine recessions and depressions, and which was given to him through a Harvard lecture series that he was co-hosting with at a famous Edinburgh mathematician by the name of E.T Whittaker, author of the book called “The Calculus of Observations” from 1927 about “time changes, and using time changes to determine rhythmic cycles”.
Prior to this joined Harvard lecture series, in 1931, their was a conference in Matemak Canada that was co-funded by Andrew Carnegie (US Steel) . Together they funded this biological conference on biological cycles. The researchers attending this conference discussed cycles on whale populations, lynx populations, Canada bay companies etc. Dewey had no knowledge of this conference at the time
In 1940, Dewey was kicked out of office as President Hoover lost the election and President Roosevelt did not want to listen to Former President Hoover’s committees advice, which was;
“it happened before and will happen again, so just let things happen. If you try manipulating it, you are going to prolong it”